Monday, May 10, 2010

mental strength test

I feel my mental strength tested on a daily basis. From the time my alarm rings till I go to bed, my mind is constantly challenged to be optimistic about the day ahead and how much my golf performance can improve.

Golf is just a game where you are never immediately rewarded for practice although it is certain that constant practice has a better payoff than spurts of enthusiasm.

If my daily attitude towards golf practice and game performance were measured like in an exam, I wonder how I would fare out of 100 ?

I think I currently just pass. I would score myself 50. It would be good to think of improving my mental strength like it were an exam I sit everyday. I aim to score 100 marks soon. That means to be able to stay optimistic about my game and practice and be able to identify unhelpful thoughts and weed them out by replacing them with hopeful positive thoughts

So there. Female Golfer Tip of the day: score your mental strength after each round of golf or after each practice session. on a scale of 1-100 how optimistic were you and how positively did you hit all your shots.

Thoughts like 'my golf really sucks and will never get better' or 'i don't see any point in practice because there's never any improvement' and 'nothing I do seems right, I really wanna give up' are no-nos and should severely lower your mental strength grade for the day.

Don't worry, you get a new mental strength grade each time you play golf or practice so there's always room for improvement and each golf practice session is a new one.

Its a simple way to measure your mental strength and track your improvement

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