Monday, May 3, 2010

female golfer tips: positive thinking

positive thinking in golf just means giving yourself positive instructions !

i am also sometimes guilty of having the kind of thoughts like "oh gosh, don't enter the bunker", "please don't let me shank the shot out of bounds" or "get across the pond, just - get - across - the - pond and i'll be happy"

some call it self fulfilling prophecy but scientifically it is just that the brain responds to whatever message you give it and it sees whatever you are thinking. it is unable to decipher what you don't want because it can only picture the current thought. so instead of thinking "don't enter the bunker", positively rephrase the thought by saying to yourself "land on that strip of fairway" and repeat the positive thought till you are comfortable, then make that swing and watch it land where you want it to.

tadah ! like magic !

a good mental attitude for playing golf is about banishing negative thoughts and bad pictures from the mind. only imagine all the good shots and remember what it feels like to hit that nice sweet shot

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