Saturday, May 1, 2010

fishy luck !

although this blog is aimed to provide female golfer tips, i also like to share about my life and my journey towards improving my golf and i hope that even if my stories seem like they don't relate to you, there will be something to learn from my experiences and how i link them to my golf game.

i have this fish tank at home that was full of grass (the fish tank kind) so in order to prevent mosquitoes from breeding, we bought some fish. (dengue fever is a grave issue and we don't want to be part of the problem). so anyway we bought 2 tiger barb and 2 gourami fish. in case you don't know what they look like, HERE:



this story is about the gourami fish, i like them more because they are bright red in color and the tiger barb are dull in color and like to hide in the grass. 

longwinded as this story may seem, i find it necessary to outline all details in order to bring out its full effect. 

so it starts out that we see this green-ish bubbly patch at the top of the tank a few days after we put the fish inside and one of the gourami always stays under it. it really looked like a sponge dropped in and grew mouldy. so we did some research and found out that the male gourami makes a bubble nest together with leaves and grass then waits under it to attract the female so they can mate. 

within a week, our other gourami died (we suspect is was male too anyway so no chance of mating there) and the bubbles slowly disappeared though the grassy mass was still floating there. in my quest to make baby gouramis we went and bought 2 more. the fish shop people couldn't tell the difference between male and female so we just chose 2 more that looked healthy and just hoped for the best. its a hit or miss type of situation. 

brought the 2 new gouramis home on sunday. stock take is 3 gourami and 2 tiger barb. 
on tuesday morning we found 1 gourami half dead but unable to swim kinda half floating on the water surface so we took him out and byebye fishy. on thursday afternoon we were observing the fishes and could only find 1 gourami (the male waiting patiently under his nest) and still the 2 tiger barb ( i'm beginning to think i should take them out of the story), the other gourami was missing. close inspection led us to the conclusion it was eaten by a bird who probably perched itself on top of the fish tank and waited to swoop down and eat its prey. i was sad because my fish mating plan had failed again. sigh 

saturday afternoon, we came home from playing golf. i was happy that my game was a bit better and i was focusing on better mental strategy. i went to say hi to my fishes and then tadah ! the missing gourami appeared!!!!! after further observation, i am lead to the conclusion that we now have 1 male and 1 female gourami and there seem to be gourami fry (i seem to be the only one capable of making out the tiny fry but i am certain they exist). 
whoopie !!!! 

what a great start to the month of may !!! yippeeee wheeeee !! i'm so happy. they say a house with trees that fruit will be prosperous ( we do have a fruiting mango tree) yayyy and so a house with a fish tank of mating fish must be prosperous too !! although its my own logic i believe the lim house will be so prosperous from now onwards !! for 77 years whoo hooo 

ok anyway i really think it is a good sign that my golf will bear fruit and errm we'll see the fruits of my labour soon. or the fruits of my labour to come. i feel such motivation and excitement again ! 

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