Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You are not defined by your personality

I've been reading this book called 'Reinventing Yourself' and i really like how he describes that people do not need to be their personality. They can behave in any way they want at any time. I thought about it and find it true because although i'm usually an optimistic person, there are times when i feel like a total grouch and wallow in self pity. I try my best to become more positive and change my negative energy into motivation to do something else.

Therefore, instead of saying that I have different personalities in different situations, which sounds a bit schizophrenic, i would like to be an inspiring person no matter how i choose to behave or think. I hope that even when i am in a bad mood in front of other people, they can be inspired by the way i bitch about something but get over it quickly, accept that it has happened and then move on. Inspire people by the way i try to be a sunshine to the people around me.

The analogy used is when you bump your knee hard against a table and there is a painful bruise.You don't let the pain consume your existence from then on, you endure the pain and carry on with what you have to do. You don't go around saying you are a bruised knee. You accept the pain and move on. Treat anything you are unhappy with in your life that cannot be controlled like the bruised knee. If you focus on it and sit down and cry, the pain will still be there but at the end of the cry-fest you would have accomplished nothing. When you accept the pain and continue with your normal activities, you find the pain soon becomes bearable or even goes away.

What you focus on gets stronger. Would you rather focus on pain or on things that make you happy?
They could be just small things but find time to be grateful for them and you too can become a more inspiring person.


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