Wednesday, March 31, 2010

left wrist injury

a new injury for me is something for me to learn from and i appreciate it and overcome it

i hurt my left wrist last friday. someone said something to me. something about comparing my golf skills to his. i didn't feel upset by what he said but i was more affected by why he had to say things like that.

i know i cannot control what other people do. i can only control my reactions towards it. i thought i wasn't affected by the comment, but turns out it did. and i injured my left wrist on the tee shot of the next hole. it hurt but wasn't something unbearable so i continued.

saturday i practiced my short game in the morning because i thought it would be less straining on my arms. practiced from 8am to about 12 noon. then i had a break before premier team training again at 3pm. by then i could still hit shots but it hurt to try and hit cut shots or flop shots. basically it hurt to do anything related to scooping the wrists.

i thought my wrist would be fine so i went to practice on the range on sunday morning. i wore my wrist guard and i was hitting good shots and getting good compression. i felt that my wrist was even getting better. i left at 9am feeling very pleased that i was finally able to hit decent shots with my new irons. i couldn't wait till 1pm to tee off my 18 hole game with sixuan and her dad.

to my disappointment, i played the worst 9holes of my life that day. i was hitting my fairway woods really really badly and i almost topped all my iron shots, even my chips and pitches were horrible, always landing short of the green. aargh i was sooo frustrated. the highlight of the day was being able to hit 1 really good 8iron shot which went farther than i estimated and landed past the green. after the 18holes i decided to play another 9 holes with my mom. hah i actually played better on the last 9 holes even though i must have been much more tired.

i think it will be my first and last ever 27 hole game. it must have put a toll on my injured left wrist because i went to the driving range just now after resting the whole of yesterday (tuesday) and i even found it painful to grip the club. it hurt even more to impact the ground.


i love my body and i don't want to injure it. i'll treat this as another learning experience to better understand my golf swing and how to cope with external stimuli

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