Monday, August 9, 2010

its raining !

3 tips on playing golf in the rain

the dark clouds have been gathering all morning. i could feel the heat and humidity this morning and knew it would rain before noon. now i'm wondering if it will still be raining when i head out to play golf later. so here are 3 tips on how to maintain your golf game in the rain and wow your competitors by your nonchalance towards adverse weather.

1. prepare your wet weather gear
most importantly, a rain coat, an umbrella and a hat to protect you from getting too wet. it is important to keep yourself as dry as possible. you don't want to catch a cold halfway through the round. also avoid light colored bottoms because the ground is wet and you don't want to get mud splattered on your pants from walking or flying divots.

2. don't rush your putts
maintain your pre-putt routine of checking the break and adjust for whether the green will be faster or slower due to the rain. then make sure you are relaxed before putting. most people tend to ignore reading the break like they would in normal weather and try to hurry up so they can take shelter from the rain under the umbrella. doing this will see yourself 3 putting on more holes

3. enjoy the beauty of the rain and get more connected with nature
rain is all part of the water cycle. evaporation, condensation and then rainfall. a simple concept we learned at a young age that connects the earth (soil and plants), sky (clouds) and the sea. it is such an amazing process, yet we are too caught up with the rush of life that we take this for granted. rain brings water that is essential to our lives and without it the earth would be a sad place. i think of the places that are in drought and appreciate the weather in singapore. thank you rain for cooling our city !

follow these 3 tips of playing golf in the rain and you will see that your golfing score does not drastically increase from your usual score so you win your competitors !

working towards my next goal

having achieved my goal of breaking 80 in a competition, i am starting to see the importance of setting goals because of the satisfaction you receive when you achieve them. although i still haven't fully gotten over the fear of setting goals because i fear i won't be able to follow through on them.

i am now working on my new and improved goal of playing a gross score of 75 and to make it more exciting, i set my goal to play 75 in the upcoming Singapore National Amateur Open.

i will do my best and focus on each hole instead of the outcome. whether or not i make it into the top 8 is irrelevant. taking it one shot at a time is more important. i can't allow myself to give up after the first 6 holes. even if i hit a bad shot, i will still do well. concentrating on connecting my conscious and subconscious to allow myself to get the ball to the target is the most important. i play my best by taking control of my thoughts and bringing myself into the zone to play my best !

i can do it ! it will be so awesome when i achieve my goal !

school rumble

this is the ending song of school rumble season 2

i think its so cute and upbeat !
listening to it brightens up the dark sky that is getting more and more ominous

if i ever forget you i'm sorry

Sunday, August 8, 2010

buffets give you power to play better golf

i've been seeing all the advertisements for the new variety show on channel 5 called 'buffetlicious' and the food just makes my mouth water. sad to say, i haven't caught any of the episodes but i guess the idea of going to buffets have been feeding into my subconscious mind so this week i went to 2 buffets. i probably have the over-indulgence on good food to thank for my ability to hit the ball so well on saturday that led to my first time playing below 80 in a competition !

thursday night i enjoyed the crystal jade steamboat buffet, or more well known as the xiao long bao (xlb) buffet with the 'rojaks' ate 2 longs of xlb = 10 xiao long baos and super alot of other steamboat-y foods. i almost burst from the full-ness

friday night my mom treated me to the lobster buffet at the ritz carlton. i ate so much lobster, prawns, sashimi that i had to keep loosening my belt lol

people tend to really overeat at buffets thinking they must stuff themselves with as much food as possible in order to eat their money's worth. i find that i have devised a way to eat a large amount of food at buffets by eating slowly such that i am one of the last few people still eating dessert while everyone else is clutching their stomachs.

so if you are looking for a quickfix way to improve your golf score in an upcoming important competition, do consider stuffing yourself on buffets starting 2 or 3 days before the game.
you should see some improvement in that you will be able to hit your driver that 5 to 10 meters longer.

trust me.

goal 1 achieved ! broke 80 in a competition in august

whoo hoo !! i'm so so so excited !
i bogeyed the 18th hole to finish with a gross score of 79 in the august monthly medal ! it feels wonderful to achieve one of my goals in just the first week of august !!

so many external reasons i can attribute to my wonderful score such as good weather, relaxed pace of play etc but i think the best part was that i was very focused on my game and was able to hit good shots, chip well and best of all i was putting really well. i will share the specific thoughts in the next few posts !

this is solely dedicated to celebrating my performance ! i went out and treated myself to these 2 beautiful rings that i've been eyeing since umm 3 days ago haha at least now i don't feel so guilty for buying them because i played well ! i look forward to lower and lower scores and aim to break even par soon :)

all the struggles have been worth it ! all the hard work is paying off and i am seeing myself achieve more and more of my abundant potential ! no longer does playing under 80 consistently sound like such a distant dream. i just need to recreate the conditions (internally especially) needed for myself to perform at my BEST !

keep going girl ! there can only be more and more steam to push forward !

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

this blog is funny !!


its dated 2006 but i think what is written is valid and humorous. check it out.
i especially like the part on choosing a beautiful caddy in thailand

"If you are bold enough, when you drive up and see a caddie you like, you can ask the starter if you can have that one. But come on, this is not a massage parlor."

check it out to see what i mean. if you are as humorous as i am, you will be laughing in your seat !!

3 ways to make golf improvement fun

1. be kind to yourself

Einstein did not invent the lightbulb within one day. he worked and worked at it till he succeeded ! we are not robots. don't expect to see drastic improvements in one day. don't be so hard on yourself if you are unable to make changes immediately. feel happy that you are improving a little at a time. don't scold yourself, but instead give encouragement ! you are your best motivator !

2. play golf with a friend who is also committed to improving their golf and having fun at the same time

Majority of golfers complain about how lousy their golf is. they have a competition on who has the worst golf swing, who has the worst yips on the putting green. it is easy to sink into self pity when surrounded by people who only want to whine but do not want to do anything to improve their golf. try to play golf with someone who is encouraging to have fun together on the golf course ! it is more fun to work on improvement with someone going through the same things as you are.

3. eat and sleep well and keep hydrated

Dehydration, hunger and tired-ness are the big killers of patience. when you are thirsty, tired and hungry is when you are most likely to get angry and annoyed when you hit a bad shot or miss a short putt to win a hole. little do you know that the outburst of anger was due to the inability to control your emotions when you do not have enough fuel in your body to maintain the balance of emotions. eat 1-2 hours before your golf game, sip water every 3 holes or so and make sure you have enough rest at night to say good bye to crankiness !

have fun !!

how to make golf improvement fun part 2

if you still do not agree with the importance of making golf improvement fun, this reason will blow your mind !

when you make golf improvement FUN, you are associating positive emotions with the process of working towards a lower golf score ! strong associations with a particular thing or emotion help you remember things better. you remember the way something makes you feel and if you feel strongly about it, then you will remember what caused that emotional reaction.

think of a particular restaurant you've been to recently. do you remember your experience there? was it because you enjoyed eating there or because you hated it ???
you can either have good or bad associations with the food, ambience and service at a particular food outlet. they may be equally strong. but wouldn't you prefer to have good thoughts in your mind. negative experiences stick with you and don't make you feel good. even recalling them makes you shudder and shake your head.

so the ideal is to have fun and create positive associations on your journey to playing a better golf score. especially if it is a long term goal that you have set to achieve. you would be much better off treating it as a fun and challenging game that keeps you hooked on seeing how good you can become !

we all enjoy doing fun things ! read on to get the 3 steps on funfy-ing your golf improvement

how to make golf improvement fun

let me share 3 tips with you on how to make golf improvement fun !
when you introduce fun into your life, you feel better and you make it more enjoyable for the people around you. no one likes to spend time (even playing golf together) with a whiny golfer who complains about their golf game.

i understand truly how tough it is to work on a particular thing in your golf swing, or on pitching and see no results (or even see yourself deprove) it is very frustrating ! but when you get angry at yourself and the inability to make changes immediately, your body actually tenses up which makes it even harder for you to move your body differently. when your body is more flexible, it can rotate more easily and you are able to use the natural rhythm and grace of your body to swing well. when you are rigid and stiff, you are more susceptive to injury as well as aches and pains.

want to learn how to funfy your process of golf improvement ?
read on to my next post 3 ways to make your golf improvement fun

new word of the morning : funfy

new word of the morning: funfy (fun-fy)

pronounced fun fie
(same way as in the end of satisfy)

definition: make something fun

used in a sentence:
it's so boring ! lets think of how to funfy this process !
lets funfy the morning by singing along to 'KINGS OF LEON'

hahaha i feel especially creative in the mornings after having a nice breakfast :)


i feel really proud of myself. proud of my decisions last night. LIKE SUPER DUPER PROUD because i was determined not to stay out late. and even more determined not to let my week's efforts of waking up early go to waste.

determination to work hard at improving golf doesn't just mean resolving to practice hard and work on things that may not feel comfortable at all. it also means making tough choices that are better in the long run for improvement. tough choices or sacrifices as you would like to think of them include staying focused on a plan to go to sleep early and waking up early to maximise your day.

yes i am human and do get tempted to spend a late night out with my good friends having a fun time, getting a few drinks and forgetting all my troubles but i feel good about my decision to go home to sleep. if not because i only slept for 4 hours the previous night, but because i already made a plan with myself to wake up at 6am.

i am filled with pride to announce to the world that i stuck to that plan. yippee for me !

in conclusion, determination doesn't only entail the direct actions you take to achieve your goals. it also comprises of the little things like making better decisions that will make it easier for you to do the things that can make your dreams come true. don't let your emotions take over your head. you can get over peer pressure ! do things that MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD !

life isn't ALWAYS fun and games. but you can treat the tough things like they are fun !

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What YOU think

Golf is a game where you compete against yourself. Just you and your weapons against 18 holes of green grass. When you worry about what others think of you, you lose your concentration on getting the ball to the target.

How can you hit a good shot if you're feeling jittery, worrying what others would think of you when you've hit a bad shot. You don't need to get approval from others. a bad shot doesn't mean anything. you can just as easily save par or make a birdie from a challenging position as a good position on the fairway if you have the right skills.

Hitting a bad shot is not a disaster that will ruin the world. So your own thoughts are the only thoughts that matter in golf. Stay positive and focus on how you are going to get the ball in the hole. bin those fears of mis-hitting the ball !

be relaxed and confident !

Play “fearless mental golf” !!

The player who is relaxed and confident plays a better game than one whose knees are shaking at the thought of lurking sand traps or looming trees. You want to leave fear in the locker along with your granny panties.

Change the way you think and change your game. Focus on the shot at hand and even if you hit a bad shot, don't worry about where it flew. just think about the next shot.